Rhythm & Reverie

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Zion National Park

Earlier this year I was overcome by a strong desire to see our country's natural beauty. America the beautiful, right? Learning about our country's national parks via textbooks is great, but it doesn't beat actually touching craggily rocks and sandy dirt, smelling fresh mountain air, and hearing the sounds of various wildlife. So when we were recently met with the opportunity to road trip our way to Zion National Park, we of course said yes.

We traveled with friends and had 5 little ones age 4 and under! Crazy, right?! The key for us was planning around naps and making sure we had plenty of snacks throughout the day. We chose short distance hikes that also provided the older kids enough space to climb and explore. So in case you're wondering, it's definitely possible to visit Zion and take in its spectacular views with young children.

We visited the lower of the three Emerald Pools on one day and Weeping Rock on the next. We observed different shaped leaves, beautiful rock formations, and trees so colorful, we couldn't stop marveling with each turn we took up the mountain. We were swept away by the grandeur but also took some time to search the trails for small rocks and new leaves. 

Each day we took a break during our hike to have lunch and read nature books for a little story time. After a short rest, they were back to playing and exercising their wild imagination. Our last day in Zion was a "free day," where the little ones fed llamas, sheep, and donkeys and played Little House on the Prairie in a cute, covered wagon.

We loved Zion and look forward to going back when the children are older to see all the wonder the mountains and the Narrows have to offer. Next, we were headed to Page, Arizona, so we packed our car and got back on the road!